1. Installing the Connector

This connector is available by default and you do not need to install it.

2. Requirements

Before you start, make sure you have a valid

  • Access Key

  • Secret Key

3. Configuration

3.1. Account Configuration

You have to provide valid credentials here.

Account Configuration
Figure 1. Account Configuration

You can change your endpoint or region anytime. To test your settings, simply click on the Test connection button.

If you want to make use of this connector in a client’s side-by-side translation helper, you need to explicitly activate this connector by checking the respective checkbox (if available).

3.2. Languages

The AWS translator uses standard language codes. Yet, you projects may use country-language codes (e.g. en-UK). Therefore, it is necessary to map your project (country-)language codes to AWS language codes.

Languages Mapping
Figure 2. Languages

3.3. Short-Term Caching

To avoid repetetive translations in a single document, you can activate short term caching.

Regular Expressions
Figure 3. Regular Expressions

This feature will avoid translating identical phrases multiple times in a single document. This feature only covers plain text content.

3.4. Excluding non-translatable content

You can remove certain text patterns from translation, e.g. telephone numbers or emails. To make use of this, you can provide a list of regular expressions.

Regular Expressions
Figure 4. Regular Expressions
Regular expressions can be (very) tricky, so make sure you test them.