All Classes and Interfaces

Encode/Decode Utils
Evaluate the logfile of a given scheduled task to send
Executes a generation task
Execute a scheduled task as set in the script parameter of this task
Install TranslationStudio automatically
Main API.
Form Factory which uses the workflow context (cannot be manipulated manually)
Operation Factory
Cloud installer
Technical user information
Send Pages/Datasets to TranslationStudio
A configured project which will be used in FirstSpirit when mapping source and target languages to a given TMS project.
Create Preview Files in a given directory
The custom event to be sent
Default connector interface
Interface allowing to send a message to MINA Exchange Service and also receive an answer to that message
$Date: 2008-10-28 16:57:26 +0100 (Di, 28.
TranslationStudio service configuration
Rest Response
Guess language code based on locale
OCM Spriker Inline edit integration
Simple Operation Process
Generic Operation Interface
A basic TMS Project
Callback Interface to process the answer of a request sent to the connector instance run by the ExchangeService.
Register Action associated to a Operation Request
Capability: Ignore result message boxes
Submit dataset-based translation request to TranslationStudio
Allow to ignore the result message box
Submit page-based translation request to TranslationStudio
Send request to TranslationStudio
REST configuration information
REST response
Translation Memory Project
Basic Language Mappings Form used by Scripts
Load input from Script Form
Client API.
A TranslationStudio Connector
Scheduled API access.
This is the basic translation form and is used by any translation workflow.
This is the basic translation form and is used by any translation workflow.
This is the basic translation form and is used by any translation workflow.
The GUI Interface
Interface operation to update generation tasks languages
Encryption utility
Translation information regarding dataset translation
Translation request information for translating a single page
Obtain the TranslationStudio API via get.
TranslationStudioRequestData<T extends>
Translation information regarding translating a page folder.