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addCategory(String) - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.ITransformR
Add a single category (if necessary and available)
addProductFeature(String, String) - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IProductR
Add a feature
answer() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IGeneratedFaq
Get the answer
availableRequests() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IClientStatus
Number of available requests


changeFormality() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IGhostwritRIO
Change the formality of a given text
classifyText() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IOptimize
Detects tags of a text based on the given input
clearCategories() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.ITransformR
Clear categories
com.simplidh.api - package com.simplidh.api
continueText() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IGhostwritRIO
Continue given text
create() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IProductR
Create the text
createFaqs(String, String) - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IGhostwritRIO
Create FAQs based on a text
createShortSummary() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IGhostwritRIO
Create a short summary of a given text
createText(String, String) - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IGhostwritRIO
Create a text based on the given question.Neither sources will be given nor white-/blacklists used.
createText(String, String, boolean, String[], String[]) - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IGhostwritRIO
Create a text based on the given question.Neither sources will be given nor white-/blacklists used.


detectLanguage() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IOptimize
Detects the language of a text based on the given input.


extendText() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IGhostwritRIO
This service inserts text to existing text based on the given context.


FORMAL - Enum constant in enum class com.simplidh.api.GhostwritRApi.FormalityLevel
fromImage(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.ICaptionR


generate(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IOptimizeGenerate
generateImageCaption() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IGhostwritRIO
Create captions
generateKeywords() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IGhostwritRIO
Create Keywords from a given text
generateKeywords() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IOptimize
Generates keywords based on the given input.
generateLinkedIn() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IGhostwritRIO
Create Linkedin post from a given text
generateMetadescription() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IOptimize
Generates a Meta Descriptions based on the given input
generateMetadescription(boolean) - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IGhostwritRIO
Create meta description from a given text.
generateTeaser() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IOptimize
Generates a teaser based on the given input.
generateTextFromProductData() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IGhostwritRIO
Create texts from structured product data and descriptions, which can be used as marketing texts or descriptive texts on a website or in other materials.
generateTitle() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IGhostwritRIO
Generate a title from a given text
generateTitle() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IOptimize
Generates a title based on the given input.
generateTweet() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IGhostwritRIO
Create tweet from a given text
get(SpecialistsBroker, Language) - Static method in class com.simplidh.api.GhostwritRApi
Get the API interface
get(SpecialistsBroker, String) - Static method in class com.simplidh.api.GhostwritRApi
Get the API interface
getBuildVersion() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IOptimizeGenerate.IOptimizeResult
The current build version
getCandidates() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IOptimizeGenerate.IOptimizeResult
A list of candidates
getCaptions() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.ICaptionR.IResult
getConfidence() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IGeneratedText
Confidence in accuracy of generated text
getEnrichtedCaptions() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.ICaptionR.IResult
getFilename() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.ICaptionR.IResult
getQuestions(String, String) - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IGhostwritRIO
Generates questions to a given keyword or context
getResult() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IOptimizeGenerate.IOptimizeResult
The recommended text result based on the input
getSources() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IGeneratedText
Get the list of sources
getSourceText() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IGeneratedTextSource
getStatusInformation() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IGhostwritRIO
Get client status information
getText() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IGeneratedText
Get the generated paragraphs
getUrl() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IGeneratedTextSource
GhostwritRApi - Class in com.simplidh.api
GhostwritR API Factory
GhostwritRApi() - Constructor for class com.simplidh.api.GhostwritRApi
GhostwritRApi.FormalityLevel - Enum Class in com.simplidh.api


ICaptionR - Interface in com.simplidh.api
ICaptionR.IResult - Interface in com.simplidh.api
IClientStatus - Interface in com.simplidh.api
IGeneratedFaq - Interface in com.simplidh.api
IGeneratedText - Interface in com.simplidh.api
Generated Text Interface
IGeneratedTextSource - Interface in com.simplidh.api
IGhostwritRIO - Interface in com.simplidh.api
IOptimize - Interface in com.simplidh.api
IOptimizeGenerate<T> - Interface in com.simplidh.api
IOptimizeGenerate.IOptimizeResult<T> - Interface in com.simplidh.api
Optimize result
IOptimizeGenerate.IOptimizeResultLengthCandidate - Interface in com.simplidh.api
Length Optimization Candidate
IProductR - Interface in com.simplidh.api
The ProductR is able to create texts from structured product data and descriptions, which can be used as marketing texts or descriptive texts on a website or in other materials.
isEmpty() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.ICaptionR.IResult
isValidResult() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IOptimizeGenerate.IOptimizeResult
Indicates if the result is a valid
ITransformR - Interface in com.simplidh.api
Transformation operation builder.


length() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IOptimizeGenerate.IOptimizeResultLengthCandidate
Text length of candidate
length_diff() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IOptimizeGenerate.IOptimizeResultLengthCandidate
Text length difference to source text


optimize() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IGhostwritRIO
Get optimize operations
optimizeLength() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IOptimize
Optimize length of a text
optimizeText() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IOptimize
Optimizes a text based on the given input keywords.


question() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IGeneratedFaq
Get the question


setCategories(String[]) - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.ITransformR
Set categories (if available)
setCompanyName(String) - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IProductR
Set the company name
setFocusKeywords(String...) - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IOptimizeGenerate
Single Keyword from a list which defines the semantic context for the generated title
setFormality(String) - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.ITransformR
Set formality (default is "formal")
setIterations(int) - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.ITransformR
Set the number of iterations (default is 1)
setMarketingMode(boolean) - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IProductR
Set the marketing mode
setOutputExamples(String...) - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IOptimizeGenerate
Examples of titles which should be generated.
setOutputExamplesImpact(int) - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IOptimizeGenerate
Examples of titles which should be generated.
setProductClass(String) - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IProductR
Set the product class
setProductName(String) - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IProductR
Set the product name
setSourceLanguage(String) - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.ITransformR
Set input text source language (if different from target language)
setTargetAudience(String) - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IOptimizeGenerate
A description of the target audience for the title.
setTargetLanguage(String) - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IProductR
Set target language
setTargetLanguage(String) - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.ITransformR
Set the target language.
setTargetTags(String...) - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IOptimizeGenerate
Set tags
similarity() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IOptimizeGenerate.IOptimizeResultLengthCandidate
spinText(int) - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IGhostwritRIO
Rephrase a given text


test(SpecialistsBroker, Language) - Static method in class com.simplidh.api.GhostwritRApi
Development method...
test(SpecialistsBroker, String) - Static method in class com.simplidh.api.GhostwritRApi
Development method...
text() - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.IOptimizeGenerate.IOptimizeResultLengthCandidate
toString(List<String>, String) - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.ITransformR
Create a single text block
tranform(String) - Method in interface com.simplidh.api.ITransformR
Perform the operation and obtain a result list


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.simplidh.api.GhostwritRApi.FormalityLevel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class com.simplidh.api.GhostwritRApi.FormalityLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Serialized Form